Thursday, December 29, 2011

1st Ride on the Ralos 6

This evening after work I was able to get my first ride on the new 2012 Rolf Prima Ralos 6 MTB wheels.  At 6'2" and 192lbs I feel I was able to give the wheels a pretty good run on the Blue XC2 hardtail.
The trail was Harbins Park in Grayson, mostly singletrack with some granite patches and creek crossings.
I actually tried pretty hard to check the stiffness with my fork locked out sprinting and they were SOLID.

Running 24front/24rear I have to admit I was a bit skeptical but after a few small jumps and  several good downhill heavily rooted washed out sections I feel pretty good. Ok, actually great after knowing I saved nearly a pound right off the bat.
One strange feeling was how fast they spun up to speed and then some. Never feeling sluggish, the wheels defiantly helped with keeping my speed up with nothing more out of me. I decided to run a SRAM PG1070 11-28 cassette that I've had for a couple of years and never opened.  Last night I thought I was crazy putting it on but taking the speed at which the Ralos spin up it was a non-issue, light and fast.

While I can't give a definitive answer with just one ride of course, I will spend the winter and spring on these and get back to you after a few months. I did choose to run these with Hutchinson Piranha with tubes even though they are Stan's No-Tubes rims.  Once I convert them over the weekend, they can only get better.  Well done Rolf Prima!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rolf Prima Ralos 6 real weights

So I just weighed the Rolf Prima Ralos 6 wheelset that arrived today and compared them to the Mavic CrossRide Disc that come equipped on the  Blue XC2.
Measured on digital food scales. (Quite official if you ask my wife)

Ralos 6 Front - 692gr (minus skewer, rotor, tire, tube)
Mavic CrossRide Front - 908gr (minus skewer, rotor, tire, tube)

Ralos 6 Rear - 844gr (minus skewer, rotor, tube, tire, cassette)
Mavic CrossRide Rear - 1029gr  (minus skewer, rotor, tube, tire, cassette) 

Ralos 6 - 1536gr (1540gr advertised)
CrossRide Disc - 1937gr (1900gr advertised)? WTH?

Rolf Prima 401gr (.88lbs.) lighter 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

2012 Catlike catalogs

UPS delivers!!
Today Catlike catalogs arrived.
Almost 60 pages in the catalog!! The Spanish know how to promote the porducts.  They look great and I'll have them with me on the road.
Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Thanks to Al & Scott at ON ON TRI in Greenville for becoming a Rolf Prima stocking dealer.  Looking forward to a great 2012!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Nashville Bicycle Lounge

Thanks for the welcome from the guys at the NBL. Lovin the Club Ride gear.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Game On...

2012 Catlike helmets are in!!  Whisper's in 18 colors!  Ready to ship.  Making rounds in TN/NC.