Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New product line added - Ion Sports Nutrition

As athletes, we have different nutritional requirements than the average person, so why are we buying the same sports drink as everyone else? We are athletes who have designed what we feel are the most ideal sports drinks on the market. Not all events/training are created equal, nor should your sports drink.
We all know that we have to put in, before we can take out, this is why Ion Sports Nutrition has created outstanding products to help fill our reserves for when we need it most. By combining our knowledge and experience with superior ingredients, we have created these products to help you reach your true potential. 
Looking for the perfect balance of Calories to Water to Carbs, we use whey Isolate rather than inferior proteins, no dyes, no artificial colors, etc. To try it out and see what you can offer your athletes, contact us. www.ionsportsnutrition.com

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