Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rolf Prima adds 6 outside sales reps

Rolf Prima adds 6 outside sales reps

EUGENE, OR (BRAIN) Feb 1, 1:10 MT —Rolf Prima has bolstered its outside sales force, adding a half-dozen new independent reps.
In the Midwest, Rolf Prima has added Richard Delgado (Wisconsin, Illinois) and Ben Luster (Michigan). Alex Clark will cover Utah, Wyoming and Colorado. The company has also added Tom Gosselin in the Northeast (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut); Wes Spruell in the Southeast (North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama); and Bruce McCarthy in Florida and southern Alabama.
“We have had a pretty steep growth curve over the last two years and we want to be able to give our dealers the support they deserve and have come to expect from us,” said Pete Moe, Rolf Prima sales. “We needed more support on the outside to help us do it.”

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